Athletics SA and Little Athletics SA are currently involved in the Coloured Shirt Program, and encourage our athletes, coaches and clubs to become more involved with this great initiative!

Aim of the Program: New officials wear green shirts.  Please support and respect them through your positive sideline behaviour.

The aim of the Coloured Shirt Program, is to make all beginner or inexperienced officials easily recogonisable, therefore educating all participants (including athletes, parents and spectators) to understand the demands, pressure and support needs of beginner officials.  The program aims to increase retention, value and appreciation of all officials.

Without officials, athletics would not survive, so it is up to our clubs and centres to build a positive culture of support for officials.

At interclub events, our beginner officials and parent/athlete helpers and volunteers will be wearing green vests/shirts.

Please support and respect them through your positive sideline behaviour.  If you see officials wearing the green shirt, then it's important for you to know they are beginners and as with any learner, they may make mistakes.

Coloured Shirt Program at your Club?

Resources are available for Athletics SA Clubs who are wanting

to become involved in the Coloured Shirt Program.
