Training at SA Athletics Stadium
Published Mon 18 May 2020
Athletics SA, in conjunction with the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing, would like to advise the current status of training at the SA Athletics Stadium under the current COVID-19 restrictions.
As at 18th of May, 2020 the SA Athletics Stadium will be open from Monday to Friday for restricted use during daylight hours only. Due to restrictions on the number of people that can train within outdoor spaces, all trainings need to be requested and booked in by the Stadium Manager via phone call on the details provided below. All athletes and coaches who use the facility will also be required to sign in and out when visiting and abide by distancing and hygiene measures.
At this current time, only athletes who are accompanied by an Athletics Australia accredited coach with a signed coaches agreement with the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing will be permitted to use the facility. All groups will be limited to no more than 10 people, not including the AA accredited coach. No athlete only trainings and no general public access will be provided at this stage.
If you have any queries, or would like to request a training time, please contact Rob McFadden on:
P: (08) 8152 0355
M: 0401 716 717
Athletics SA ask all coaches, athletes and spectators abide and respect the current rules put in place by the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing. We will continue to provide updated information when it becomes available.