COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

Published Tue 30 Nov 2021

Published: November 30, 2021

Updated: January 6, 2022

The Board of the Athletic Association of South Australia has made the decision to require double COVID-19 vaccination for anyone aged 12 years and over who attends the venue during an Athletics SA competition.

Anyone aged 16 years and over (prior to October 1, 2021) wishing to participate in or attend competitions from December 11, 2021 (inclusive) must be fully vaccinated, and those aged 12-15 years be fully vaccinated by the first competition date of 2022, scheduled for January 8, 2022.

Those who turned 16 years on or after October 1, 2021 must be fully vaccinated by the first competition date of 2022 (January 8, 2022).

** Participants and spectators that turned 12 years old during December 2021 must be double vaccinated within six weeks of their birth date to be able to attend Athletics SA events. The following policy point applies to those turning 12 years old after January 1 2022, or are younger.

  • We strongly encourage everyone to be vaccinated as soon as they are eligible. Children aged between five and 11 years are eligible for vaccination from 10 January 2022 and we will require double vaccination by the first event of the 2022 Winter Season (which usually commences in May), if they wish to attend Athletics SA events. 

SA Health approved medical exemptions will be accepted, if accompanied by a recent negative test result no older than 72 hours.

This requirement applies to anyone who enters the venue for the competition – athletes, officials, staff, volunteers and spectators. This will also apply for Athletics SA events and functions, day-to-day operations, programs and coaching clinics.

We take our responsibilities under the Work Health Safety Act seriously. We have a clear obligation and duty of care to those who work with us, and to those who attend our events and activities.

This is a topic that brings various opinions, which we respect. Following the State Government's recent release of the new Testing, Tracing, Isolation and Quarantining (TTIQ) model, and after deliberation, consultation and considering stakeholder survey feedback, this decision has been made in what the Board considers to be the best interest of the Athletics SA community. We prefer to do as much as we can to protect the health of our community and ensure the safe continuation of our sport. This decision also aligns with the draft Athletics Australia policy for the sport, as well as the conditions that some of our interstate counterparts are competing under.

Please note that this requirement is only relevant to Athletics SA-organised competitions and activities – and is not a requirement to enter the SA Athletics Stadium for training, which is under the control of the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing. Likewise, the requirement does not extend to training at Club venues – that is a matter for each Club.

Athletics SA reserves the right to alter this policy as more information and/or directions come to hand. Please refer to this page on our website (COVID-19 Vaccination Policy) and find below a series of answers to some queries (FAQs) that you may have about the decision. After reading those, if you have any further questions please contact the Athletics SA office on 8354 3477 or


Yours sincerely,

Shane Fuller

Athletics SA Chief Executive Officer


Frequently Asked Questions

Published: November 30, 2021

Updated: December 6, 2021

Why is Athletics SA taking this stance?

We believe that it is necessary to protect our community, which includes senior and para athletes, officials and volunteers. We would prefer to set these standards and minimise the risks of exposure to COVID-19 for attendees at Athletics SA events or for unprotected (un-vaccinated) community member(s).

Why will the requirement commence on December 11, 2021?

This will be the next scheduled Athletics SA-organised competition, and we believe that it is important to implement the requirement straight away, given that interstate borders have re-opened and we have already seen COVID-19 cases recorded in SA.

The December 11 date applies to people 16 years and over, unless they turned 16 years on or after October 1, 2021, in which case the January 8, 2022 date applies.

Why is the date different for 12 years and over?

Those aged 12 to 15 years have had a shorter period of eligibility to receive a vaccine and will have until January 8, 2022 to receive both doses of the vaccine. From the date of announcing this requirement, people have five and a half weeks to become fully vaccinated ahead of our first event day of the new calendar year.

Children aged between five and 11 years are eligible for vaccination from 10 January 2022 and we will require double vaccination by the first event of the 2022 Winter Season (which usually commences in May), if they wish to attend Athletics SA events. 

Why is this a requirement for competition, rather than for everyone who enters the SA Athletics Stadium?

The SA Athletics Stadium is owned and operated by the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing, which is not mandating vaccinations at the venue, however, we as an organisation believe that it’s important to set this requirement for our competitions and activities to protect our athletes, officials, staff, volunteers and spectators.

How will this be administered?

All attendees to the competition venue will be required to show their hard copy immunisation certificates or virtual certificates on their electronic device accessible on the Medicare App or linked via the mySA GOV App to gain entry to the venue. If you do not have or show proof of vaccination you will be denied entry. If you show the hard copy certificate, you will be asked to show photo ID. You will also be required to check in using the QR code system or hand written system that has been in place at venues all year, and wear a mask when inside.

We encourage everyone to arrive earlier to the events, as we anticipate that there may be some delays.

Please follow the link for instructions on how to link your vaccination certificate onto your mySA GOV App:

Will there be a penalty if you do not comply to the requirement?

We respect the choices of individuals to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or not. The requirement for people that wish to attend Athletics SA competitions and activities is that they be fully vaccinated and be willing to show proof of this. This is a policy of the organisation and will form part of terms and conditions of entry.  Any breaches will be dealt with under our Code of Conduct and Member Protection Policy.

Will Athletics SA be keeping records of medical information?

No, we will require to sight your certificate on entry to the venue, but we will not be keeping records of any medical data.