Annual General Meeting

Published Tue 05 Oct 2021


The 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting of Athletic Association of South Australia Inc (Athletics SA) is scheduled for 6.00 pm on Monday, 15th November 2021 at the SA Athletics Stadium, Mile End.

Members entitled to vote may submit in writing notices of motion for inclusion as special business at the AGM.

All notices of motion must be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer prior to Sunday 10th October 2021 -


Nominations are called for three Elected Director positions on the Board of Athletics South Australia:

  • Jane Russo (re-appointed November 2019 and eligible for re-election)
  • Michelle Devine (re-appointed November 2019 and eligible for re-election)
  • David Cross (re-appointed November 2019 and eligible for re-election)

Nominations close on Monday, 11th October, 2021.

ASA Board Nomination Form and Position Description

Notices of Motion and Director Nominations Letter