Interclub - Round 7 - MORNING COMP
Sat 23 Jan 2021 8:30AM — 12:30PM
SA Athletics Stadium
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
Welcome to Round 7 of Interclub for 2020-21 Summer Season.
Interclub is a series of 12 competitions that run throughout the Summer Season where participants earn points for their clubs in their designated age categories. Athletes aged 12 through to 60+ take part and accumulate points for their club as well as striving for personal bests, national qualifiers and the fun/social aspect that comes with club competition!
Due to the high temperatures forecast for Saturday and the late peak of the temperature throughout the day, the decision has been made to change the start time of this week’s interclub to 8:30am, with a scheduled finish time of 12:40pm. By making this change this allows us to schedule a majority of the events on what should be a fantastic morning for athletics while keeping our officials and athletes safe in the coolest part of the day. To enable us to make these changes the program has been condensed, with the field events being limited to 3 throws or 3 jumps, depending on the discipline, and there will be no relays at the end of the program. |
PLEASE NOTE: You need to use your 2020-21 membership login Username and Password to enter this event.
Please contact Athletics SA on 8354 3477 if you have any issues entering.