Iso Throws - Week 1
Tue 14 Apr 2020 7:00AM — Wed 22 Apr 2020 11:59PM
Various Locations
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
Through these unprecedented times, Athletics SA have been looking for creative and fun ways to keep our members involved in the sport even though we cannot hold any live events. Using some inspiration from former Olympian and Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist, Benn Harradine’s #willitthrow videos, Athletics SA are excited to introduce Iso Throws!
Iso Throws will see athletes of any discipline throw select household items at their local park and submit their best performances online. Click below for full information on the virtual Iso Throws Series.
This weeks item will be - A ROLL OF TOILET PAPER!
Please submit your results by clicking the register button above. Remember to measure and submit your results honestly!
Make sure you video your throws and post them on social media, tagging @AthleticsSA and using the hashtags #isothrows #willitthrow.