
Northern Games - NON MEMBER ENTRY
Sat 22 Oct 2022 2:00PM — 6:00PM

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

**This portal is for non Athletics SA members only. Please visit this portal if you are a member.

The Bridgestone Day is a non-point scoring event and are popular for participants who want to try athletics or do a few events without having a membership.

Being a Community Athletics Event, it's a fun, welcoming, non-point-scoring event - a popular way for athletes to kick start their season, or for those who have never tried competition running, jumping, throwing, walking or rolling before.

All athletes are welcome to wear whatever unform that they wish for the Commuinity Athletics Events.

Athletes aged 11 through to 60+ can take part 

All track events and some field events are seeded, so that everyone can compete against athletes of similar abilities.

See the event timetable

*You should receive a conformation email on registration. If you have not received an email your registration may not have gone through and you won't be placed in your event.