2020 Winter Season - Event Dates & Distances

With just over 2 weeks until the commencement of our 2020 Winter Season, we are excited to release the event dates, format and distances for the first 6 events of the season along with the launch of our Winter Hub.

Return to Competition Announcement

Athletics SA are excited to announce that with the latest easing of restrictions in South Australia, we are restarting our winter competition on Saturday June 20th.

Road Map for easing restrictions in SA

The South Australian government has today released a Roadmap for Easing COVID-19 Restrictions (PDF, 53.8 KB), with stage one to start on Monday 11 May and stage two, enabling sport competition to resume (max 20) without spectators, to start on 8 June.  These are all steps forward in our return to activity.

How does the latest directive from SA Police affect us in the athletics community?

To reduce the spread of COVID-19 within South Australia, a number of businesses and venues are required to remain closed to the public until further notice and this includes buildings used by social and sporting clubs, gymnasiums and indoor sporting venues, and applies also to outdoor spaces associated with these venues. 

Season Finale Cancelled

The Board of Athletics SA feels it is in the best interests of our community overall to cancel our final event, the Season Finale/Open Day #5 this Friday 20 March, 2020.